Vacant Space III - Located in One of the Most Damaged Areas and Untouched since the Earthquake

Vacant Space III - Located in One of the Most Damaged Areas and Untouched since the Earthquake 

空地 III(市内でも被害の大きかった地域)

YONEDA, Tomoko
米田 知子
Birth Year
Death Year
2004 (printed in 2005) 
Technique, Material, Format
chromogenic print 
104.2 x 123.2 cm 
Donor name
Ms. Yoneda Tomoko
Photograph or Moving Image by JapanesePhotographer/Artist 
Inventory Number

Vacant land and parks, newly developed residential areas, old classrooms: these unexceptional landscapes were all photographed 10 years after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995. The title of each work states what had previously been located at the place photographed, such as a morgue or a temporary evacuation shelter. Viewed with this information in mind, landscapes that at first seemed “normal” suddenly appear quite different. Yoneda Tomoko also visits places where fierce battles in war or other troubles took place, showing us places that invariably look different to what we, with our preconceived ideas, might have expected. This series was made with the cooperation of the volunteer group Tomato, which was active in Ashiya City to support areas affected by the quake. Paired with photographs the artist had taken immediately after the earthquake, it was presented in a solo exhibition entitled “A Decade After.”
(KIMURA Eriko)

*You can see other works from this series.

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