Reproduced Beautiful Women Series: After "The Start of the Climbing Season" by Ogata Gekko

Reproduced Beautiful Women Series: After "The Start of the Climbing Season" by Ogata Gekko 


ARAKI, Nobuyoshi
荒木 経惟
Birth Year
Death Year
Technique, Material, Format
silver dye breach print 
106.0 x 87.0 cm 
Donor name
Mr. Araki Nobuyoshi
Photograph or Moving Image by JapanesePhotographer/Artist 
Inventory Number

This work was created for the Yokohama Museum of Art’s exhibition “Four Views of the Collection of the Yokohama Museum of Art.” Araki Nobuyoshi refers to the act of photographing an existing artwork as “reproducing” it. His act of reproduction creates a separate work that stands on its own, independent of the original. This is one such work, and it is a photograph of a work in the collection of the Yokohama Museum of Art. The original woodblock print is the frontispiece of a literary magazine from almost 100 years ago. A woman is drawn in a certain scene, along with objects that give a sense of the season. Araki photographed her head and enlarged it more than 30 times. As a result, the woman is so vivid it seems she is living here and now, and her rich facial expressions are accentuated.

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