Scenes of Penang Expansion
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Scenes of Penang 


FUJII, Kenji
藤井 健司
Birth Year
Death Year
Technique, Material, Format
color on paper, scroll 
21.0 x 1080.8 cm 
Donor name
Mr. Fujii Kenji
Nihonga (Japanese-style Painting) 
Inventory Number

This work was created by Fujii Kenji for the exhibition “NIHONGA Painting: Six Provocative Artists” (2006) at the Yokohama Museum of Art. His inspiration was Imamura Shiko's "Scenes from the Tropics: Morning and Evening (study)," which is also in the museum collection. To create the work he first traveled to Malaysia for research. The painting shows a reticulated python’s glistening body; people going about their lives, an amalgam of Islam and Hindu faiths and Greater China culture; a landscape of green trees surrounded by tropical light; and, an airplane disappearing into the wide sky at sunset. In this way the strong impressions from his trip are weaved together into a single story. And that afterglow is then conveyed to the viewer, as though they too had been on the journey. Fujii says it was a modeling class he attended at the Yokohama Museum of Art when he was in fifth grade that set him on the path to become an artist.

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