Wall of the Sea
海の壁 ― 生成する庭 picture1
  • 海の壁 ― 生成する庭 picture 1

Wall of the Sea 

海の壁 ― 生成する庭

ISHIDA, Takashi
石田 尚志
Birth Year
Death Year
Technique, Material, Format
video (color, sound, 6 min., 3 projections)  
dimensions variable 
A.P. 1/2
Donor name
Mr. Ishida Takashi
Photograph or Moving Image by JapanesePhotographer/Artist 
Inventory Number

This work was created in a room at the Yokohama Museum of Art over a period of three months starting in November 2006. Lines were gradually drawn on the walls and floor of the room, with several digital cameras used to take photographs of the process. The resulting 10,000 or so photographs have been edited together and are displayed across three screens to create what is literally a “moving picture.”
The theme is water. Resembling the surface of the ocean, the room’s walls and floor gradually fill with a flowing blue color like an ocean current, and then return to their original state. While the movement of the lines is pleasing and their unexpected dynamism is strangely mesmerizing, the entire work is also laced with a suffocating sense of tension and weightiness. It feels like the vast amount of time that went into repeatedly drawing and photographing in this confined space has been compressed into the work.
(MATSUNAGA Shintaro)

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